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World Refugee day - Press conference by the LFR
City Magazine  - Jun. 2020

As member of the LFR, RYSE participated in the press conference on the World Refugee Day, an opportunity to reflect on fundamental rights, the right to security and dignity and put integration at the heart of the  refugee policies 

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Initiatives solidaires de RYSE pendant la pandémie
City Magazine  - Juin 2020

City Magazine a interviewé notre co-fondateur et coordinateur de projet pour en savoir plus sur les initiatives lancées pendant la pandémie pour aider les réfugiés vulnérables - page 35 !


Interview with RYSE at the Migration Festival 2020
Radio Latina - Feb. 29th 2020

Radio Latina interviewed our Co-Founder and Project Coordinator, Francesca Tavanti, to find out more about the work we do and how you can get involved! 


Interview with RYSE - Passerell - OpenHome - Sourrire

Ara City Radio - Feb. 27th 2020

Our Co-Founder and Project Coordinator, Francesca Tavanti, joined representatives from Passerell, Oppent Haus and Sourrire to highlight our search for a new premises to continue the work we do. 


Bienvenus à la Maison de la cohésion sociale

Le Quotidien - March 3rd, 2019

An introduction to the House of Social Cohesion and the various associations based there who support refugees and asylum seekers in Luxembourg. 


DLA Piper´s lawyers train refugees

Paper Jam - Jan 1st, 2019

An initiative set up in collaboration with DLA Piper and Passerell to offer 9 workshops to local refugees and asylum seekers, informing them of their legal rights, including employment and contract law, housing and health rights. 


RYSE: Tandem-Projekt für Flüchtlinge nimmt Fahrt auf

Luxemburger Wort - May 23rd, 2018

An interview with our Co-Founders and Project Coordinators, Francesca Tavanti and Kirsty Millar, highlighting the activities of RYSE and how volunteers can get involved. 

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